Free 40-Tips Money Saving Checklist
No one wants to spend more money than they have to during a divorce. After more than 35 years of helping men through divorce and family law matters, we understand the processes (and expenses) as well as anyone. That is why we have created this all-inclusive guide of the top 40 ways to help you control the cost of your divorce.

“Marriage is grand. Divorce is 10 grand.”
– Anonymous
No one wants to spend more money than they have to during a divorce.
Even though ending a relationship is an emotional time, many of the actions to be taken and decisions to be made are financial in nature, and will require clear-minded consideration.
You probably haven’t made a budget for divorce. Yet, you are making financial decisions that may affect you for decades to come.
You are on the verge of splitting your net worth with your soon-to-be ex. The thought of spending money to divide your assets isn’t very appealing. It is understood, however, as necessary in order to limit the long-term personal and financial damage that divorce can carry with it.
So how do you minimize the cost of your divorce?
After more than 35 years of helping men through divorce and family law matters, we understand the processes (and expenses) as well as anyone. That is why we have created this all-inclusive guide of the top 40 ways to help you control the cost of your divorce.
Our Save Money on Divorce Checklist is a useful resource intended to give individuals very basic information about saving money during a divorce in Washington State. Use of this checklist does not constitute or imply legal representation, nor does it replace retained legal counsel. If you need a lawyer, contact Divorce Lawyers For Men.
* Divorce Lawyers For Men’s primary purpose is to be a resource to men and to assist, guide, and advocate for them through difficult decisions that, for most, will change their lives dramatically. Becoming informed is the first step in this process. That is why we have created this checklist.